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IOAGLV Parameters

The utility parameters are specified in the SYSIN DD input stream. They must be specified in the following order:

  1. General parameters
  2. Command statements

The general parameters define the working mode of the utility and are described in the following table:

Table 64 IOAGLV general parameters




Determines whether the utility runs in a production environment or only as a simulation.

  • PROD – The utility updates the IOA Global Variables pool as it is specified in the command statements. Default.
  • TEST – The utility only runs as a simulation, reporting about all the updates specified in the command statements, but the data is not actually updated in the pool.

The TEST mode is very useful for actions updating data in the IOA Global Variables pool (such as when using the LOAD, DELETE, and SETVAR functions). It is recommended that you first run the utility in TEST mode for these functions, before running it in PROD mode.

The command statements contain a command, which determines the action that the utility will perform, followed by one or more keyword parameters, which qualify the action. In general, only one command statement can be specified in one utility run, with the exception of the SETVAR command.

The following commands can be specified for the utility:

Table 65 IOAGLV command statements




A list of paths related to the specified PATH prefix is printed. The list is sorted according to alphanumeric and hierarchic order.


A list of variable names and their values related to the specified path or path prefix is printed. The list consists of the complete variable names (path\varname) sorted according to alphanumeric and hierarchic order.

LOAD PATH=path FROM=dsname

Loads variables specified in the dsname file. The variables in the dsname file must be in the varname=value format and must not include a path, since the variables are loaded with the path specified by the PATH parameter.

If path\varname already exists, the variable value will be overwritten with the new value.

DELETE PATH=path| VARNAME=path\varname

If PATH=path is specified, all the variables related to the specified path are deleted.

If VARNAME=path\varname is specified, only the specified variable is deleted.

SETVAR VARNAME=path\varname VALUE=value

Adds or modifies the variable specified by the VARNAME parameter.

If the variable does not exist, it will be added with the specified value.

If the variable already exists, its value will be overwritten with the value specified by the VALUE parameter.

The SETVAR command can be specified several times in one utility run, to add or update several variables.

The keyword parameters specified for the commands are described in the following table:

Table 66 IOAGLV command parameters




The path or path prefix of the IOA Global Variable name.

The path must be started with a backslash character (\) and can contain from one to four levels, separated by ‘\’s.

The valid path level values are:

  • first level: an ‘M’ or ‘O’
  • second level: a word with length from 0 to 20 characters
  • third level: a word with length from 0 to 20 characters
  • fourth level: a word with length from 0 to 8 characters

This parameter is mandatory for the LIST, VIEW, and LOAD commands, but optional for the DELETE command. It cannot be specified for other commands.


The dataset name from which the IOA Global Variables are loaded to the IOAVAR pool. Maximum length is 44 characters.

This parameter is mandatory for the LOAD command. It cannot be specified for other commands.


Complete variable name in the form path\varname. The path layout is the same as for the PATH parameter. varname can be a word containing any character (without embedded spaces). If this parameter value does not fit on one line, it can be continued on the following lines from any position.

The maximum length of the complete variable name is 138 characters.

This parameter is mandatory for the SETVAR command, but optional for DELETE command. It cannot be specified for other commands.


Value of the variable. Can contain any character. If the value does not fit on one line, it can be continued on the following lines from any position. If value contains embedded spaces, it must be enclosed in apostrophes.

Parent Topic

IOAGLV – Utility for managing IOA Global Variables