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IOACLVL Return Codes

Table 31 IOACLVL return codes




Operation performed successfully.


Operation failed. The failure is the result of one of the following errors:

  • failed to close the data set containing the sort control statement
  • failed to setup the recovery routine
  • received invalid parameter
  • failed to allocate the storage below the line
  • failed to open the load data set
  • failed to open the sort control statement data set
  • failed to initialize the IDL facility

For more information, see messages IOAL41I through IOAL4KE in the INCONTROL for z/OS Messages Manual for more details.


Operation failed. The failure is the result of one of the following errors:

  • failed during processing the data set allocated to DAPRIDL
  • failed to put the data into the sort control statement data set
  • failed during execution of the DESERV macro
  • the BLDL macro failed
  • failed to load a member from the load data set
  • the IDL facility failed to execute the SHOW TABLE request

For more information, see messages IOAL41I through IOAL4KE in the INCONTROL for z/OS Messages Manual for more details.

Parent Topic

IOACLVL – Compare Levels