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Activating the IOACLVL utility

The IOACLVLG job collects the level information on two compared systems and must be executed twice, once on the production system and once on the test system. The reports produced by the IOACLVLG job on the compared systems are used as the input by the IOACLVLC job, which compares the level information of the two systems and produces the final report. The report includes detailed information about the differences between the compared systems, as shown in the example on IOACLVLC job. The IOACLVLG and IOACLVLC jobs must be customized before they are used, using the variables described in Table 29 and Table 30:

Table 29 IOACLVLG variables




The name of the output data set that will contain the resulting report


The identifier of the product instance (for example, TEST or PROD). The ID is used to distinguish between the compared systems; therefore, it must be different between two runs of the job on the different systems. Maximum length is 8 characters.

Table 30 IOACLVLC variables




The name of the output data set that will contain the resulting report


The name of the data set that will contain the report of the level information regarding the first (test) compared system (RESDSN of the IOACLVLG job executed on the first compared system).


The name of the data set that will contain the report of the level information regarding the second (production) compared system (RESDSN of the IOACLVLG job executed on the second compared system).

Parent Topic

IOACLVL – Compare Levels