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Step 3.G Tailor and Run Job CADJDJDE

This step creates the Control-D DJDEPARM library, whose members contain the DJDE control statements for each report.

The following table describes the input and output for this step:

Table 10 Job CADJDJDE Input and Output




CTD.CADI.DJDE file created by the job in member CADCDJDE


A PDS library containing Control-D DJDEPARM members

Default file name: CTD.DJDEPARM. The output file must have the following characteristics: Partitioned dataset, logical record length 80, blocksize 3120.

  1. Tailor the member CADJDJDE according to your local conventions.


  2. Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Parent Topic

Step 3 Create Printing Parameters