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Step 3.F Tailor and Run Job CADJAPAP

This step creates the Control-D APAPARM library whose members contain the APA control statements for each report.

The following table describes the input and output for this step:

Table 9 Job CADJAPAP Input and Output




CTD.CADI.OUTPUT file created by the job in member CADCOUTP


A PDS library containing Control-D APAPARM members

Default file name: CTD.APAPARM. The output file must have the following characteristics: Partitioned dataset, logical record length 80, blocksize 3120.

  1. Tailor member CADJAPAP according to your local conventions:


  2. Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for error messages. The job must end with a condition code of 0.

Parent Topic

Step 3 Create Printing Parameters