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Job CADJPERM creates Control-D Permanent User File from the CA-DISPATCH report created by the job CADCPERM. In additional, the CA-DISPATCH JCL containing OUTPUT cards can be used as input file to take FORMDEF, PAGEDEF output parameters.

The created by this job Permanent User File can be used in Control-D decollation missions to build print mission names and printing characteristics of decollated Control-D reports. For this purpose the submitted CTDX022I user exit sample should be used in Control-D.

The job consists of three steps:

  1. Defines all the files needed by the conversion program.
  2. Sorts the output created by the job CADCPERM according to RECIPIENT NAME (in ascending order) and REPORT NAME (in ascending order). This sort also eliminates blank records. This step is supplied for the method of using the CA-DISPATH Maildrop for the Control-D Recipient name. If the CA-DISPATCH Recipient name is used for the Control-D Recipient name, this step must be adjusted as it is described in the JCL comments.
  3. Adds records to the Control-D Permanent User File. This step is supplied for the method of using the CA-DISPATH Maildrop for the Control-D Recipient name. If the CA-DISPATCH Recipient name is used for the Control-D Recipient name, the PARM='RECIP' parameter must be added to the EXEC statement.

Parent Topic

Creating Printing Parameters