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Job CADJDJDE activates the CADSDJDE program to build the new Control-D DJDEPARM members. The source code of this program resides in the IOA SAMPLE library, and can be locally tailored.

Job CADJDJDE consists of four steps:

  1. Defines all the files needed by the conversion program.
  2. Runs program CTDSCULU, which updates the output created by job CADCDJDE and places the recipient and report names in each of the records. This enables the reports to be sorted by recipient name and report name.
  3. Sorts the output from the previous step by USER NAME (in ascending order) and REPORT NAME (in ascending order), while keeping the original order of the records for each USER/REPORT NAME combination. The sort also eliminates the blank records.
  4. Creates the DJDE parameter members in the Control-D DJDEPARM library.

Parent Topic

Creating Printing Parameters