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Overview of CTDSARRS

The utility restores reports from CA-View archive tapes to Control-D Active User file in order to back them up using the Control-D tools.

WARNING: If the report data is encrypted on the CA-View archive tapes, do not use the CTDSARRS utility. Use the SARSKSLR utility, found in the IOA SAMPLE library, instead. Use the SARJKSLR job to submit the utility.

The CA-View archived reports are read from the tape one after another as they are located on the tape volume. The reports existing in the History User file created during Step 4-Archive Conversion are restored by one tape volume scanning. The number of reports restored by one utility run can be limited by an input parameter MAXN.

Then the restored reports will be backed up by Control-D backup (or migration) mission specified in a parameter to the utility. After the restored reports have been backed up by the Control-D and Control-V tools and CTDDELRP is performed, the User and SYSDATA records in the History User File will point to the new Control-D archives and the old CA-View archive tapes will be unavailable from Control-D. The old SYSDATA records pointed to CA-View archives can be then deleted from the History User file by the CTDCLHST utility with the parameter NOSYS=S as orphan records.

Parent Topic

Utility CTDSARRS - Massive restore CA-View archived reports to Control-D