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Step 4.B Tailor and Run Jobs SARJARC1, SARJAR11, and SARJARC2
  1. SARJARC1 uses files SAR.OUTPUT and SAR.ARCHIVE prepared by the jobs SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2 and creates the file CTD.SAR.HISREP that is the input for the job SARJARC2. If SAR.OTPUT is missing, use the job SARJAR11 instead of SARJARC1. This job creates the CTD.SAR.HISREP using only one input file SAR.ARCHIVE. In this case, the default user name is taken from the definitions member SARDEFAR instead of taking different user names for each report from SAR.OUTPUT.
  2. SARJARC2 adds records to an existing History User file. If this job is rerun, reformat the History User file to prevent the addition of duplicate records. Use job CTDUFDBF from the Control‑D JCL library to reformat the History User file.
  3. Submit the jobs for execution and check the sysout for error messages. Condition code 0 indicates the proper completion of the job.
  4. Run the CTDUFSR utility to resort the data portion of the History User file. A sample job can be found in member CTDUFSR in the CTD JCL library.

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Step 4 Archive Conversion