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Step 4.A Tailor and Run Jobs SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2
  1. Tailor members SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2 in the IOA SAMPLE library. These jobs create the relevant reports for the Archive conversion. The following table describes the input and output for this step:

    Table 4 Jobs SARJRPA1 and SARJRPA2 Input and Output




    CA‑View database.


    Two sequential files containing the reports.

    Name the first output file (created by job SARJRPA1) SAR.OUTREP. Otherwise, you must change the name in job SARJRPA1.

    The first output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FB, logical record length 255.

    Name the second output file (created by job SARJRPA2) SAR.ARCHIVE. Otherwise, you must change the name in job SARJRPA2.

    The second output file must have the following characteristics: physical sequential, record format FBA, logical record length 121.

  2. Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for error messages. Condition code 0 indicates the proper completion of the job.

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Step 4 Archive Conversion