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Step 9.3 – Convert the Media database

This step converts the previous Media database to one appropriate for the current version.

  1. Select this step, and press Enter. The CXXXT610 job in the IOA INSTWORK library is now displayed.
  2. Edit the job, as follows:
    1. Replace the data set name in the line marked by the comment <=== CHANGE (OLD MDBD) with the data set name of the old Media database data component.
    2. Replace the IOA load library name in the line marked by the comment <=== CHANGE (OLD LOAD LIBRARY NAME) with the name of the previous version of the IOA load library.
  3. Submit the job.

If this conversion is for production purposes, all steps must end with a return code of 0.

For information about return codes for the CTTCDB program that is activated during this job, see the following table.

Table 129 Return codes for the CTTCDB program

Return Code



The operation was performed successfully.


Control‑M/Tape is active (processing continues). If this return code is issued during conversion for test purposes, it does not indicate an error.


An open error occurred. Message CTT390S, issued with this error, contains the DD name that references the file in error.


Invalid record length (LRECL) for DD name DAOUT or DAIN.

The valid record length for the file referenced by DD name DAIN is 460 or 600. The valid record length for the file referenced by DD name DAOUT is 660.


An error occurred during initialization of the IOA environment.

Parent Topic

Step 9 – Upgrade from Control-M/Tape repository (optional)