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Step 13.2 – Control-O password data

Your BMC distributor provides your site with one or more printouts containing password data for Control-O. The product ordered is licensed to run on one or more computers for a specific period of time.

Note: If BMC supplied you with a site license, copy the printout to the PASCTO member.

The PASCTO member in the IOA.PARM library must be updated with the password data from the printouts provided by the distributor. The data contained in this member is used by the IOA password mechanism to verify that Control-O is authorized to run on the specific CPU ID and model.

Note: There is a limit to the number of connectors to the Coupling Facility structures (IOAPLEX parameter XAECON#). When starting a new CMEM or Control-O over the current running one, a new connection is made before the old one is disconnected. Therefore, start new CMEM or Control-O monitors one at a time.

The password members contain the following parameters:

The following example illustrates a completed Control‑O password member:

PROD = CONTROL-O / 080417

START = 070418

CPUID = 231234 9021

CPUID = 140564 9121

PASS = 86243457 D324389C 58349852


Note: This site has a permanent licence for Control-O, starting April 18, 2007 and ending April 17, 2008. The authorized CPU IDs are 231234 (model 9021) and 140564 (model 9121).

The following additional considerations may apply when you edit the Control‑O password member:

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Step 13 – Installation conclusion