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Step 3.3 – Control-V index parameters

Table 86 Index parameters




Block size to be used by Control‑V for index files. Recommended values:

  • For 3380: 23476
  • For 3390: 27998

Other block sizes can be specified. However, this may waste space.


One-, two-, or three-character value.

  • Mandatory

If three characters, IXHPREF is a high-level qualifier of the index file name.

If one or two characters long, the index file name prefix is built as the CDAM file prefix, with one of the characters replaced by the first IXHPREF character.

If IXHPREF is one or two characters, the first character of the CDAM file prefix is replaced. If two characters, the second character should be a digit from 1 to 7. This digit means the offset of the character in the CDAM file prefix, which is replaced with the first IXHPREF character.

The one or two characters option should be used if, according to data set naming conventions in use at the site, the high-level qualifier must be more than three characters in length.

Assign a unique prefix.

  • Default: IXV.


Second level data set name qualifier for index files. This prefix can be from 1 through 7 characters in length and may include one period. Assign a unique prefix.

If IXHPREF is one or two characters long, the second-level qualifier is not used and this parameter can be omitted.

Note: Grant ALTER authority to the Control‑D Monitor for files starting with IXHPREF.IXPREF if IXHPREF is three characters in length or to the built prefix value if IXHPREF is one or two characters in length.


Flag to indicate whether index data should or should not be included in transfer packets. Control‑D/WebAccess Server version 2.0.1 supports index file transfer.

If your site does not have Control‑D/WebAccess Server version 2.0.1 or later, set this parameter to N.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Include index files in PC transfer packets. Default.
  • N (No – Do not include index files in PC transfer packets.


Allows allocation on EAV (Extended Address Volumes) of Control-V index files (Active and Migrated on DASD media) and CDAM files Migrated on DASD media.

Valid values are:

  • OPT- Allows allocation on EAV.
  • NO - Prevents allocation on EAV.

If not defined, the EAVUSE#D value is used by default.

EAVUSE#V can be overridden, as follows:

  • for new Control-V index files by parameter EAVUSE defined in PRINT/CDAM PARMS in decollation mission definition
  • for Control-V index files migrated on DASD by parameter EAVUSE#S in IOASPRM member


Default unit for index files. The unit name must be a valid unit name ranging from 1 through 8 characters.

If the IXVOL parameter is not specified, the volumes to be used for the index files must be defined in the VATLSTnn member in SYS1.PARMLIB with an attribute of STORAGE.

Parent Topic

Step 3 – Specify target configuration parameters