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Control-V installation sheet

A. Number of User Report entries to be retained in the Migrated User file


A. Number of User Report entries to be retained in the Migrated User file

Calculate the number of User Report entries to be retained in the Migrated User file as follows:

  1. 1 For each retention period (expressed in number of days), multiply the estimated number of different User Report entries per day (after decollation) by the number of days to keep the entries in the Migrated User file.
  2. 2 Add the results to get the total for all retention periods.

See minor step 5.6 "Space Calculation for MIGrated User Report."

B. Number of $SYSDATA entries to be retained in the Migrated User file


B. Number of $SYSDATA entries to be retained in the Migrated User file

$SYSDATA entries point to original reports, before decollation. Calculate the number of $SYSDATA entries to be retained in the Migrated User file as follows:

1. For each retention period (expressed in number of days), multiply the estimated number of original reports created per day (before decollation) by the number of days to keep the entries in the Migrated User file.

2. Add the results to get the total for all retention periods.

See minor step 5. 6 "Space Calculation for MIGrated User Report."

C. Allocate Control-V user catalog:
__ Yes __ No

C. Allocate Control–V User catalog

See the CTVCAT parameter in minor step 3.1 "Control–V Target Libraries and Members" for details on how to allocate the Control–V user catalog.

D. IOA archive support

DASD - Archive to DASD

__ UNITNAME – Generic or specific unit name ________________________________

CART – Archive to cartridge

__ UNITNAME – Generic or specific unit name ________________________________

__ DEVADDR – Device address ________________________________

OAM – IBM object access method for IBM 3995 optical library data server

__ MAXCONN – Maximum number of connections ______________________________

__ OBJSIZE – Number of blocks in object _________________________________

__ DB2PLAN – DB2PLAN name __________________________________

__ DB2SID – DB2 subsystem name ___________________________

D. IOA archive support

Complete information for the archive media used at your site. See the DASD, CART, and OAM explanations under the TYPE parameter in minor step 5.2 "IOA Media–Specific Parameters" for details.

E. Data set name (DSN) prefixes, volumes, and units

Library Type   DSN Prefix     Volume        Unit

Operation   OLPREFDV __ OLVOLV ___ OLUNITV__

Index files   IXHPREF ___ IXVOL ____ IXUNIT ____

                 IXPREF _________

User catalog

(optional)   CTVCAT _____ CATVOL __ CATUNIT __

E. Data set name (DSN) prefixes, volumes, and units

Minor step 4.4 "Install Control–V Libraries" allocates all library prefixes. After prefixes are allocated, they can be modified as soon as the previous data sets are deleted and the libraries are restored.

Examples of data set prefixes:

  • CTV.V9000O for Control–V Operations libraries.
  • IXV for Control–V Index files.
  • CTV.V9000.USERCAT for the Control–V user catalog.

F. Type of access to Control–V data sets

Library Type      Access Type     User Category

Operations        Read                    3

Operations        Update              1,2,4

CDAM files        Update              1,2,3,4


  1. 1 Control–V installers and system administrators.
  2. 2 Security administrators.
  3. 3 Control–V end users.
  4. 4 Users with special user IDs, such as long running started tasks, or specific system jobs.

For additional requirements, see the explanation for this item in the text at the right.

F. Type of Access to Control–V data sets

To access Control–V data sets and to use the basic facilities of Control–D, the access authorizations shown for this item in the table at the left are recommended.

In addition, migration jobs require UPDATE access to the Active User file and to the Migration User file.

Parent Topic

Customized installation