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Control-D installation sheet

A. Number of User Report entries to be retained in the Active User file


A. Number of User Report entries to be retained in the Active User file

Calculate this number as follows:

  1. 1 For each retention period (expressed in number of days), multiply the estimated number of different User Report entries per day (after decollation) by the number of days to keep the entries active.
  2. 2 Add the results to get the total for all retention periods.

See minor step 5.2 "Space Calculation for ACTive User Rep."

B. Number of User Report entries to be retained in the History User file


B. Number of User Report entries to be retained in the History User file

Calculate this number as follows:

  1. 1 For each retention period (expressed in number of days), multiply the estimated number of different User Report entries per day (after decollation) by the number of days to keep the entries in the History User file.
  2. 2 Add the results to get the total for all retention periods.

See minor step 5.3 "Space Calculation for HiSTory User Rep."

C. Number of User Report entries to be retained in the Permanent User file


C. Number of User Report entries to be retained in the Permanent User file

This number is the total number of reports that all users (recipients) may receive. See minor step 5.4 "Space Calculation for PeRManent User Rep."

D. Number of $SYSDATA entries to be retained in the Active User file


D. Number of $SYSDATA entries in the Active User file

$SYSDATA entries point to original reports, before decollation. Calculate the number of these $SYSDATA entries to be retained in the Active User file as follows:

  1. 1 For each retention period (expressed in number of days), multiply the estimated number of original reports created per day (before decollation) by the number of days to keep the entries active.
  2. 2 Add the results to get the total for all retention periods.

See minor step 5.2 "Space Calculation for ACTive User Rep."

E. Number of $SYSDATA entries to be retained in the History User file


E. Number of $SYSDATA entries in the History User file

$SYSDATA entries point to backed up original reports, before decollation. Calculate the number of these $SYSDATA entries to be retained in the History User file as follows:

  1. 1 For each retention period (expressed in number of days), multiply the estimated number of backups of original reports created per day (before decollation) by the number of days to keep the entries in the History User file.
  2. 2 Add the results to get the total for all retention periods.

See minor step 5.3 "Space Calculation for HiSTory User Rep."

F. Dual User Report files

  • Active User Report file:       __ Yes __ No
  • History User Report file:      __ Yes __ No
  • Permanent User Report file: __ Yes __ No

F. Dual User Report files

Determine whether to use a dual (mirror image copy) of each User Report file. See the DUAL parameter in minor step 5.2 "Space Calculation for ACTive User Rep."

G. Selected generic classes ________________________________

G.Selected generic output classes

Specify the names of generic output classes to use for decollating non–held output from dedicated output classes. See the GENCLAS parameter in minor step 2.4 "Generic Decollating Missions Classes (Optional)."

H. Printers to be used by Control-D

Printer Name        Destinations         Types

_____________   ______________   _____

_____________   ______________   _____ _____________   ______________   _____

H. Printers to be used by Control–D

See the Name, Dest, and Type parameters in minor step 2.3 "Printers Definition". Usually, only channel-attached printers are defined to Control–D.

I. Data set name (DSN) prefixes, volumes, and units

Library Type   DSN Prefix   Volume         Unit

Installation  ILPREFD __ ILVOLD _ ILUNITD _





              AMPREFD ____

                JB1PREF ____

I. Data set name (DSN) prefixes, volumes, and units

Minor step 4.4 "Install Control–D Libraries" allocates all library prefixes. After prefixes are allocated, they can be modified as soon as the previous data sets are deleted and the libraries are restored.

Examples of data set prefixes:

  • CTD.V9000I for Control–D Installation libraries.
  • CTD.V9000O for Control–D Operations libraries.
  • CTD.V9000D for Control–D Repository.

See the AMPREF, AMPREFD and JB1PREF parameters in minor step 3.3 "CDAM Parameters."

J. Type of access to Control–D data sets

Library Type   Access Type        User Category

Installation     Read                  2,3

Installation     Update                1,4

Operations     Read                  3

Operations     Update                1,2,4

Repository     Update                1,2,3,4

CDAM files     Update                1,2,3,4


  1. 1 Control–D installers and system administrators.
  2. 2 Security administrators.
  3. 3 Control–D end users.
  4. 4 Users with special user IDs, such as long running started tasks, or specific system jobs.

For additional requirements, see the explanation for this item in the text at the right.

J. Type of Access to Control–D data sets

To access Control–D data sets and to use the basic facilities of Control–D, the following access authorizations are recommended.

  • Control-D monitors:
  • UPDATE access to the Control-D JOB library.
  • READ and PURGE access to JES spool SYSOUT data sets.
  • Authority to issue operator commands.
  • Authority to submit jobs.
  • UPDATE access to IOA and Control-D repositories and product data sets.
  • UPDATE access to Control-D CDAM files. See the AMPREF, AMPREFD and JB1PREF parameters in minor step 3.3 "CDAM Parameters."

The Control-D New Day procedure (CTDNDAY):

  • UPDATE access to the DSNLIST file.
  • UPDATE access to the Control-D PARM library.

Jobs that change the order of missions require UPDATE access to the Control-D PARM library.

The job that executes the CTDDELRP utility requires UPDATE access to the SCRLIST file:

Backup and restore jobs require UPDATE access to the Control–D Active Missions file.

Parent Topic

Customized installation