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Installing Control-O

The following topics describe the steps required to install Control‑O. The installation procedure contains step-by-step detailed instructions that correspond to the major and minor steps in the INCONTROL Installation and Customization Engine (ICE).

If you are not familiar with ICE, review Performing tasks common to all product installations before proceeding with the Control‑O installation.

Note: Control-M/Links for z/OS is a separately licensed product that enables customers to use Con\-trol‑O functions to assist with Control‑M operations. To install Control‑M/Links follow the instructions for installing Control-O.

Sample exits

As of version 6.0.00, Control‑O uses standard dynamic subsystem exits to support JES2 commands and JES3 commands and messages. Under z/OS JES3 and later, JES3 consoles are no longer used. Therefore, BMC no longer supplies the following: