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Step 9.4 – Security considerations

Control‑M can be installed without setting up special security requirements, except as noted in this section for RACF, ACF2 and TOP SECRET. After Control‑M is installed, it is possible to set up basic security parameters to allow a basic testing environment during the first stages of product testing.

The Control‑M monitor must have read access authority to all JCL libraries that will be accessed as part of the job scheduling process. Use your local security product to perform this task. The Control‑M monitor cannot function without this security requirement. In addition, the following started tasks should be defined as valid started tasks depending on the security product installed at your site:

If the Control‑M monitor will use the Sysplex System Logger, make sure that the monitor is authorized to do so. For more information, see the IBM document, z/OS V1Rx MVS Setting up a Sysplex.

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Step 9 – Control-M amendments