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Step 3.2 – Control-M repository characteristics

Table 57 Repository characteristic parameters




Maximum number of records in the Active Jobs file (AJF).

The AJF contains active job orders currently under the supervision of the Control‑M monitor.

BMC recommends that you set the AJFSIZE parameter to a figure not less than twice the maximum number of jobs that can reside in the AJF since, on average, most jobs will occupy two or more records on the AJF. The entire AJF is loaded by the Control‑M monitor into its address space.

  • Mandatory
  • Minimum: 1000
  • Maximum: 10000000 (records)
  • Default: 1000

For more information, see the HISTSIZE parameter in this table, and the Control‑M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Type of AJF file.

  • Mandatory

Valid values:

  • B - BASIC (Default)
  • L - LARGE

The Active Jobs file (AJF) must be created using a DSNTYPE of BASIC, LARGE or EXTENDED through the AJFTYPE parameter. If the site’s AJFSIZE will not exceed 2,000,000 records (65,535 tracks) in the foreseeable future, then choose an AJFTYPE of BASIC (default), otherwise, an AJFTYPE of LARGE or EXTENDED must be chosen. Consult the IBM manual, DFSMS: Using Data Sets, for the meaning of these various allocation types and how to choose the appropriate value.


Whether to load the AJF above the bar.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Load AJF above the bar.
  • N (No) – Load AJF below the bar.
  • A (Auto) – AJF location is automatically selected by Control-M. Default.


Whether to allocate the AJF as a shared memory object. This parameter is relevant when the AJF is loaded above the bar.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Allocate the AJF as a shared memory object. Default
  • N (No) – Allocate the AJF as a non-shared memory object.


Maximum number of Quantitative resources to be defined in the Control‑M Resources file and kept for Base slots.

  • Mandatory
  • Minimum: 100
  • Maximum: 1169 (resources)
  • Default: 300

For more information, see the RESQNT# parameter in this table.


Number of physical records in the Control‑M Resources file dedicated for Quantitative resources.

Each record can hold approximately 1100 slots.

  • Mandatory
  • Minimum: 1 record
  • Maximum: 1000 records, including the first record that is used for Base slots.
  • Default: 5

Note: The Resources file contains two types of slots:

  • Base slots – These define the resource, by resource name and maximum amount. While the Control‑M monitor is running, it aggregates the quantities of resources in use by individual jobs in these Base slots. Because these Base slots can only reside in the first record of the Resources file, the number of Base slots is limited to 1169. Base slots stay in that record until deleted by the operator, IOACND, or a Control‑O rule.
  • Use slots – Whenever a job holds a resource, the Control‑M monitor allocates a Use slot for that job. Use slots can reside in any record allocated for Quantitative resources in the Resources file. When the job finishes executing and releases the resource, the Use slot allocated for that job is freed.


Number of physical records in the Control‑M Resources file dedicated for Control resources.

Each record can hold approximately 1100 resources.

  • Minimum: 1 record
  • Maximum: 1000 (records)
  • Default: 5


Maximum number of records in the History Jobs file.

The recommended value of this parameter should not be less than the value of the AJFSIZE parameter, which is described in this table, because jobs deleted from the Active Jobs file by the New Day procedure may be copied to the History Jobs file if a retention period is specified for them.

However, the optimum value depends on the number of jobs for which retention is specified and the retention period specified for each job. Therefore, smaller values may suffice or larger values may be required.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 10000000 (records)
  • Default: 2000 (records).

For more information, see the Control‑M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Type of History file.

  • Mandatory

Valid values:

  • B - BASIC (Default)
  • L - LARGE

The History file (HIST) must be created using a DSNTYPE of BASIC, LARGE or EXTENDED through the HSTTYPE parameter. If the site’s HSTSIZE will not exceed 2,000,000 records (65,535 tracks) in the foreseeable future, then choose an HSTTYPE of BASIC (default), otherwise, an HSTTYPE of LARGE or EXTENDED must be chosen. Consult the IBM manual, DFSMS: Using Data Sets, for the meaning of these various allocation types and how to choose the appropriate value.


Primary space allocation (cylinders) for the Journal file.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 7 digits
  • Default: 10 (cylinders).

For more information, see the Control‑M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Secondary space allocation (cylinders) for the Journal file.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 7 digits
  • Default: 10 (cylinders)

For more information, see the Control‑M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Maximum number of Load-Indexes to be supported by the WLI data set in the CTMWLI utility.

An increase in the number of Load-Indexes requires a new WLI data set to be initiated.

  • Valid values: 32–2048
  • Default: 128

Parent Topic

Step 3 – Specify CTM target configuration parameters