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Global CTMPLEX parameters

In the following table, the name in parentheses in the Parameters column is the name of the parameter in the CTMPLEX member that is built in this Step.

Table 53 Global CTMPLEX parameters



Structure name (STRUCTNM)

The name of the Coupling Facility structure to be used during CTMPLEX installation. The Coupling Facility name should be the same name that appears in the active Coupling Facility resource management (CFRM) policy governing the use of the Coupling facility at this installation.

  • Mandatory

The Coupling facility structure used by CTMPLEX should be available for all Sysplex members in which GSM and LSM monitors may run.

For more information regarding CFRM administration, see the IBM MVS documentation about the Format Utility for Couple Data Sets (IXCL1DSU). For example, you can find such documentation in "Appendix B. Format Utility for Couple Data Sets" in z/OS V1Rx MVS Setting up a Sysplex.

Work balancing indicator (BALANCEM)

Workload Balancing mode indicator.

  • Mandatory

Max. number of entries in structure (MAXENTRY)

The size of the CTMPLEX Coupling Facility structure in units of 4KB blocks. If a smaller structure size is specified in the active CFRM policy, the size from the CFRM policy is used.

  • Mandatory

Each 4KB block may contain from 1 through 4 jobs, depending on the amount of data in the job scheduling definition. The size of the CTMPLEX Coupling Facility should be large enough to include all active jobs, that is, jobs that passed the Select phase and are "Eligible for Run", but not ended yet, at any moment.

For example, if 1,000 jobs are active and each job is 2 records, you must define at least 500 4KB blocks for the size of the CTMPLEX Coupling Facility structure.

Recovery time interval (RECOVERT)

The time interval (in minutes) between attempts to automatically recover the CTMPLEX Facility in case of Coupling Facility failures. A value of 0 (default) means that no automatic recovery procedure takes place.

Max. number of recovery attempts (RECOVERM)

The maximum number of attempts to automatically recover the CTMPLEX Facility in case of Coupling Facility failures. A value of 0 (default) means that there is no limit to the number of attempts.

Parent Topic

Step 2.2 – Build Control-M Sysplex member (optional)