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Step 2.2 – Build Control-M Sysplex member (optional)

If the CTMPLEX parameter is set to Y in Step 2.1, this step is mandatory.

The CTMPLEX parameter member specifies Control‑M Sysplex Installation Parameters. This member contains global parameters for both the entire Control‑M Sysplex environment and parameters for each Sysplex member in which the LSM monitor may run.

For more information, see the Control‑M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Select this step and press Enter. The Update Control‑M Plex (CTMPLEX) screen is displayed.

Figure 39 Update Control‑M Plex (CTMPLEX) screen

Table Header

---------------------- Update Control-M Plex (CTMPLEX)  ----------- Row 1 of 1

COMMAND ===>                                              SCROLL ==> CSR      

 Codes in the Sel field:            Command and Keys:                         

    D Delete SYSID                     ADD     Add SYSID                      

    A Add SYSID                        CANCEL  Exit without Save              

                                       PF3/End Exit and Save                  

Structure name ==> STRUCTNAME                                                 

Work balancing indicator ==> N    (Y/N)                                       

Max. number of entries in structure ==> 100                                   

                   ---- Cpacity -----                                         

Sel    SYSTEMID    Relative   Maximum   PRIORITY                              

===    ========    ========   =======   ========                              


******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

Parent Topic

Step 2 – Specify Control-M parameters