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Step 2.1 – Control-M operational parameters

Table 51 Operational parameters




The first three characters of the Control‑M JCL procedures after they are copied to the local MVS procedure library.

The value specified for this parameter must not be the same as that specified for the PROCPRFx parameter in IOA and other INCONTROL products.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: CTM


Sleeping interval of Control‑M monitor, in hundredths of a second.

The monitor becomes active at the specified intervals and determines which tasks are required from it.

  • Minimum: 10 (0.10 seconds)
  • Maximum: 9999
  • Default: 600 (6 seconds)

Alternatively, the sleeping interval can be set by the following modify command:
If you use this command to modify the sleeping interval, you must shut down and then restart the Control‑M monitor for this customization to take effect. For more information on this modify command, see the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Note: The sleeping interval is relevant only when there is little or no Control‑M monitor activity.


Whether to make the Control‑M monitor non-swappable.

Valid values are:

  • Y – The Control‑M monitor makes itself non‑swappable at initialization time. Default.
  • N –The Control‑M monitor does not make itself non‑swappable at initialization time.

BMC recommends that you make Control‑M non‑swappable. Otherwise, Control‑M is swapped out on each interval, which may slow down the monitor.

This option does not change the storage consumption and paging activity of the Control‑M monitor. Setting NONSWAP to Y only orders MVS to alter its regular swapping algorithm to reduce overhead.


Whether to activate the CTMPLEX facility, that is, run the Control‑M monitor in Sysplex mode.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

For more information about CTMPLEX, see the Control‑M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


The automatic held output class to which Control‑M sends the MSGCLASS output of the job.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: X

For more information about the HLDCLAS parameter, see Installation considerations.

Warning: If you modify this parameter while jobs are executing using the existing settings, Control‑M, when restarted, cannot read the sysouts of those jobs.


Output class to be dynamically changed on DD  statements containing sysout parameters relating to jobs submitted by Control‑M.

The class is changed to the HLDCLAS to prevent printing of the output of the job separately from the syslog output.

The change is applied only to the JCL records that are submitted by Control‑M.

If this parameter is left blank, DD statements containing sysout parameters are not changed.

Default is blank.


Whether to activate the History Jobs file option.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Activate this option.
  • N – Do not activate this option. Default.

For more information, see the following section: Introduction to Control-M -> Functional Approach -> Expanded Control-M Functionality -> History Jobs File in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.


Whether to activate the Control‑M AJF Journaling option.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Activate this option.
  • N – Do not activate this option. Default.

For more information, see the following section: Introduction to Control-M -> Functional Approach -> Expanded Control-M Functionality -> Journaling and Restoration Capability in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide and see the Control‑M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Specifies the prefix of the application parameter in the Job Schedule Definition, for jobs to be handled by AJF Space Reuse Facility.

Valid value is a string not longer than 8 characters. The default value is blank, which means that all jobs may be processed by the AJF Space Reuse Facility (if the value of the REUSTIME parameter is not zero).

For further information see the discussion of the Active Jobs File Space Reuse Facility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Specifies the retention period (in minutes) for a job in Active Jobs File before it is deleted by AJF Space Reuse facility.

Valid values are from 0 to 9999 minutes. Default is zero, which means that AJF Space Reuse Facility is inactive.

For further information see the discussion of the Active Jobs File Space Reuse Facility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Whether the third-party vendor product DOCU/TEXT is installed at the site.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – DOCU/TEXT is installed at the site.
  • N – DOCU/TEXT is not installed at the site. Default.


Whether a third-party vendor JOB/SCAN or PRO/JCL product is installed at the site.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – A JOB/SCAN or PRO/JCL product is installed at the site.
  • N – A JOB/SCAN or PRO/JCL product is not installed at the site. Default.


The start time of the work day at your site.

  • Mandatory

The format is:

DAYTIMEM = +hhmm or -hhmm


  • + is after midnight
  • - is before midnight
  • hhmm is the time, in hours and minutes format
  • Default: +1200.

This start time defines the beginning of a new work day for Control‑M.


  • If DAYTIMEM is set to +1000, the hours between midnight and 10 AM are considered part of the previous work day, so that 6 AM on February 10 is part of the February 9 Control‑M work day.
  • If DAYTIMEM is set to -2200, the hours between 10 PM and midnight are considered part of the Control‑M work day of the next date.

Every day at the specified time, the Control‑M monitor performs a series of procedures that start a New Day under Control‑M. The New Day procedure cleans the Active Jobs File of job orders that completed executing OK and job orders with a MAXWAIT that has expired.

For more information about the monitor daily workflow, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Most installations use a DAYTIMEM between +0900 and +1400.


Warning! BMC recommends that you do not change this parameter once Control‑M has been in operation in a production environment, or you may introduce unwanted shifts in scheduling.

If, despite this, you want to modify the value of this parameter in your production environment, you must not do so between the time set by the current value of DAYTIMEM and the next occurrence of the time that you intend to set for the new value. If you modify DAYTIMEM during this period, you will cause the following:

  • The New Day procedure for the day on which you make the change will rerun.
  • This rerun will fail, because the New Day procedure has already run. The CTML03W and CTML06W messages will be issued.
  • You will have to stop Control‑M, or Control‑M will continue to try to rerun the erroneous New Day procedure.


If your existing DAYTIMEM value is 12:00 and you want to change it to 18:00, you must change the value only after 18:00 and before the next occurrence of 12:00.

If your existing DAYTIMEM value is 18:00, and you want to change it to 12:00, you must change the value only after 12:00 and before the next occurrence of 18:00.


The element name that represents Control‑M as an element of automatic restart management (ARM). This element name must exactly match the ELEMENT and ELEMENT_NAME ARM policy parameters, or the operating system will use the default policy.

For more information, see the section on ARM support in the Control‑M chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide, and see "ARMELMNT" in the Control-M customization considerations section in the Customizing INCONTROL products chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Customizing.


Whether Control‑M monitor should use the Health Checker interface to communicate with IBM Health Checker.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y - Health Checker interface is enabled. Control‑M monitor will communicate with IBM Health Checker. Default.
  • N - Health Checker interface is disabled. Control‑M monitor will not communicate with IBM Health Checker.


The interval of time, in minutes, between parameter checks. Each check verifies that the parameter values in the CTMPARM member in the IOA PARM library are the same as the CTMPARM settings currently in memory.

If this parameter is set to 0, the check is not processed.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values are 0-999
  • Default: 30 minutes


The interval of time, in minutes, between checks for job processing delays. An exception message is produced based on internal tables, maintained by the various Control‑M subtasks (such as submitter, selector, and spyer), which determines whether a job being processed by these components is experiencing excessive delays. These delays could indicate a job is not responding (hang condition).

If this parameter is set to 0, the check is not processed.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values are 0-999
  • Default: 1 minute


The interval of time, in minutes, between checks of the status of the Active Jobs file. An exception message is produced when the entries as a percentage of the maximum allowed, exceeds the threshold defined in the AJFTHRSH parameter.

If this parameter is set to 0, the report is not produced.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values are 0-999
  • Default: 1 minute


The interval of time, in hours, between checks of the "dormant" jobs in the Active Jobs file. Dormant jobs have been sitting in the Active Jobs file for more than the specified days in the HCJDAYS parameter.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values: 0-999
  • Default: 24 hours


The number of days that defines a job as "dormant."

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values: 1-999
  • Default: 365 days


Control‑M performance data is accumulated and written to SMF at given time intervals. This parameter sets the time interval, in minutes, at which the SMF records are written. If the interval is set to 0 or 1440 then one SMF record is written during Control‑M Newday processing.

You can temporarily change this parameter using the Control‑M PERFDATA command. The PFMINT parameter is reset to the value in the CTMPARM member when the Control‑M monitor is restarted. For more information on the PERFDATA command, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

  • Valid Values: 0-1440
  • Default: 1440


Specifies the SMF record type used for Control‑M performance monitoring. Choose an SMF record type number which is not already in use at your installation. If the value is set to 0 no SMF records are created.

  • Valid Values: 0, 128-255
  • Default: 157


The minimum time interval in seconds, interpreted as a "process delay" in the Control-M Health Checker. If this parameter is set to 0 the report is not produced.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values are 0-999
  • Default: 030


The MXJINBOR (MaXimum Jobs IN Bulk Order) determines how many jobs are included in bulk ordering.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values are: Numeric values from 0 to 99999.
  • 0 means that bulk ordering is disabled.
  • Default: 300.


Determines whether Control-M uses global workload policies, local workload policies, or both.

Valid values are:

  • GLOBAL - use global workload policies
  • LOCAL - use local workload policies
  • BOTH - use both global and local workload policies. Default.

Local workload policies are managed in the IOA W screen, whereas Global workload policies are managed from Control-M/EM GUI and can only be viewed in IOA W screen.


The interval time, in minutes, between checks for issues in the IOALOG Index file.

If this parameter is set to 0, the check is not processed.

  • Valid values are 0-9999
  • Default: 0


Threshold percentage for the level of correspondence between the IOALOG Index file and the IOA Log. A warning is issued when the IOA log is indexed below this percentage.

  • Valid values are 1-99
  • Default: 85%


Threshold amount of virtual storage memory (in megabytes) above the 16MB line. A warning is issued when the amount of available storage memory falls below this value.

  • Valid values are 0-999
  • Default: 50 MB


Threshold amount of virtual storage memory (in kilobytes) below the 16MB line. A warning is issued when the amount of available storage memory falls below this value.

  • Valid values are 0-9999
  • Default: 256 KB


The interval time, in minutes, between checks for issues in Control-M Monitor virtual storage consumption.

If this parameter is set to 0, the check is not processed.

  • Valid values are 0-999
  • Default: 3 minutes


Whether to enable an integration between Control-M and Compuware ThruPut Manager. This integration enhances Control-M job submission comments and adds information to be used by ThruPut Manager.

Valid values are:

  • Y – Integration enabled
  • N – Integration not enabled. Default.

Parent Topic

Step 2 – Specify Control-M parameters