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Step 23.2 – Support for PANVALET (optional)

Control‑M may submit jobs from members in PANVALET libraries. To include PANVALET support in Control‑M, select this step and edit the LINKPANV member in the INSTWORK library.

Change the library defined by the SYSLIB DD statement to the PANVALET load modules library, submit the job, and save the member.

All steps must complete with a condition code of 0.

Note: Repeat this process each time you change your PANVALET version. Otherwise, submission results may be unpredictable.

BMC recommends that PANVALET support be tested under the AutoEdit submission simulation before attempting it under the Control‑M monitor. An error in the above‑mentioned linkage procedures may cause serious errors in the Control‑M monitor.

For PANVALET versions 14 and later, certain modules are fetched dynamically during execution. For this reason, the PANVALET Load library must be referenced in either the STEPLIB DD statement of the Control‑M monitor procedure or the MVS Linklist library.

The PANVALET LOAD library must also be APF-authorized.

Parent Topic

Step 23 – Support for other products (optional)