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Step 23.1 – Support for LIBRARIAN (optional)

Control‑M can submit jobs from members in LIBRARIAN libraries.

Note: To install LIBRARIAN support, you must install the ELIPS TSO-LIBRARIAN interface. This interface supplies the necessary TSO and ISPF services to Control‑M.

LIBRARIAN libraries with any DSORG except PO are supported. To include LIBRARIAN support in Control‑M, select this step and edit member LINKLIBR in the INSTWORK library.

Change the library referenced by the SYSLIB DD statement to the LIBRARIAN load modules library, submit the job, and save the member.

All steps must complete with a condition code of 0.

Sample Exit CTMX014L must be installed.

All appropriate LIBRARIAN files should be added to the ISPxLIB DD statements in the IOA TSO logon procedures.

Note: Repeat this process each time you change your LIBRARIAN version. Otherwise, submission results may be unpredictable.

When Control‑M is installed, LIBRARIAN option "‑INC" is not resolved during job submission.

To support the LIBRARIAN‑INC command, apply Wish WI0880, located in the IOADFLT member in the IOA IOAENV library.

Note: Because an error in the above‑mentioned linkage procedures can cause serious errors in the Control‑M monitor, you must test LIBRARIAN support under the AutoEdit submission simulation before attempting to install it under the Control‑M monitor.

Parent Topic

Step 23 – Support for other products (optional)