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Step 2.5 – SMP data sets

Select minor step 5 in the Minor Steps Selection screen and insert values for the SMP data sets parameters, as shown in the following table:

Note: When specifying values for parameters or subparameters that include both unit and volume (volser) fields, you must either define both fields, or leave both of them blank. Do not enter a value for only one of them.

Table 12 SMP data sets parameters




High level data set name qualifiers of the SMP/E Distribution libraries.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum length: 35


Unit of the disk on which the SMP/E Distribution libraries are to be placed. Specify a generic unit (for example, 3390—not SYSDA).

  • Maximum length: 8


Serial number of the volume on which SMP/E distribution libraries are to be placed.

  • Maximum length: 6


High level data set name qualifiers (prefix) of the SMP/E Auxiliary data sets, that is, SMPPTS, SMPMTS, SMPSTS, SMPLTS, SMPSCDS.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum length: 35


Unit of the disk on which the SMP/E Auxiliary (SMPPTS, SMPMTS, and so on) data sets are to be placed. Specify a generic unit (for example, 3390—not SYSDA).

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum length: 8.


Serial number of the volume on which the SMP/E Auxiliary data sets (SMPPTS, SMPMTS, and so on) are to be placed.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum length: 6


IBM Language Environment library prefix in the system where the maintenance will be run.

  • Mandatory
  • Default value: CEE
  • Maximum length: 35

The presence of the following libraries is mandatory:

  • lepref.SCEELIB
  • lepref.SCEELKED
  • lepref.SCEELKEX
  • lepref.SCEECPP


IBM XML C/C++ library prefix in the system where the maintenance will be run.

  • Mandatory
  • Default value: CBC
  • Maximum length: 35

The presence of the following library is mandatory:

  • ibmcpref.SCLBSID


The IBM Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility library prefix in the system where maintenance will be run.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: CSF
  • Maximum length: 35

The presence of the IBM ICSF load library is mandatory:

  • icsfpref.SCSFMOD0

Parent Topic

Step 2 – Parameters for File Allocation