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Expanding the Active Jobs file

The procedure for expanding the Active Jobs file (AJF) described below is an integral part of ICE, ensuring that the procedure can be performed efficiently and expediently.

The expansion process performs the following operations:

To expand the Active Jobs file (AJF), perform the following steps in ICE

  1. Select Customization.
  2. Select the environment that you need to customize.
  3. Enter CTM in the Product field.
  4. Select Product Customization.
  5. Select major step 11, "Expanding CONTROL-M AJF."
  6. Perform minor step 1, "Stop all monitors and IOA activities." This includes CONTROL-M Monitor, IOAGATE (together with the CONTROL-M Application Server), Online Monitors, and TSO users that use IOA ONLINE.
  7. Perform minor step 2, "Verify AJF availability." If step 2 is marked NOT COMPLETE (*), it indicates that the AJF, or some other files listed in the process output of step 2, are currently being used and therefore the AJF cannot be expanded. From the process output, determine from the JOBNAME who is using the files so that they can be notified to deactivate the files. To verify that the files are not being used, refresh the list by pressing ENTER. When the list is empty, the AJF expansion process can proceed. After step 2 is marked COMPLETE, continue to minor step 3.
  8. Select minor step 3, "Specify AJF parameter." Enter the appropriate values for the AJFSIZE and AJFTYPE parameters. For more information about these parameters, see CKP section.
  9. Perform minor step 4, "Save Parameters into Product Libraries." After step 4 is marked COMPLETE, continue to minor step 5.
  10. Select minor step 5, "Expand AJF", either by marking the step with a "J" (to run the job automatically), or with an "S" (to run the job manually). Verify that the EXPNDAJF job is marked COMPLETE (if it was run automatically using the J option) or that it ended with a completion code of 0 or 4 (if it was run manually using the S option).

    WARNING: If the EXPANDAJF job ends with a JCL error, the job must be re-submitted. However, to avoid loss of data, correct the cause of the error before re-submitting the job.

  11. If History Jobs file processing is enabled, use the FORMHST job in the Control-M INSTALL library to increase the size of the History Jobs file according to the new value of the AJFSIZE variable. For the procedure details, see the Expanding Control-M Files section in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.
  12. After successfully expanding the AJF, perform minor step 6, "Activate all monitors." In this step, you activate all relevant product components — CONTROL-M Monitor, IOAGATE (together with the CONTROL-M Application Server), Online Monitors, and TSO users that use IOA ONLINE.

    In addition, restart the Control-O servers. Use the following command to stop the Control-O servers, and afterwards they are started automatically when a new DO TSO request is processed:


Parent Topic

Control-M file customization