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Additional Control-M customizations

These parameters are found in Step 1.12 of Control-M customization:

Table 19 Special CCM parameters for Control-M customization




Controls error handling during the Control-M Application Server download process. Valid values are:

  • LOG - Writes a message to the IOA LOG identifying the job that caused the Control-M Application Server to fail during download.
  • EMX - Logs the event in the IOA log file and excludes the problematic job from the next download. Default.

These parameters are found in Step 2.2 of Control-M customization:

Table 20 Repository characteristic parameters for Control-M customization




Space (cylinders) for the GRF file.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 4 digits
  • Default: 5 (cylinders)

For more information, see the Control-M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Maximum number of Load-Indexes to be supported by the WLI data set in the CTMWLI utility.

An increase in the number of Load-Indexes requires a new WLI data set to be initiated.

  • Valid values: 32–2048
  • Default: 128


Primary space (cylinders) for the Statistics file.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 4 digits
  • Default: 5 (cylinders)

For more information, see the Control-M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Secondary space (cylinders) for the Statistics file.

  • Mandatory
  • Maximum: 4 digits
  • Default: 1 (cylinders)

The following member can be updated in Step 3.3 of Control-M customization:

Table 21 Control-M customization - SYNCLIBS Member




The purpose of the SYNCLIBS member in the CTM PARM library is to define a list of scheduling table libraries that are automatically synchronized between Control-M and Control-M/Enterprise Manager. Whenever a table in one of these libraries is updated on the mainframe, Control-M/EM will automatically request downloading that table to the Control-M/EM database, so that it is synchronized with Control-M. To support such synchronization of table libraries, two-way synchronization must be enabled.

After installation, the default value of this member is the Control-M default scheduling library allocated as part of the installation.

In each row in the SYNCLIBS member, specify the name of a library in columns 1-72. Do not include any additional text (such as comments).

Note: If you remove a library from the list in the SYNCLIBS member, the library’s tables are not automatically deleted in Control-M/EM. If you do not want the library’s tables to appear in Control-M/EM, you can delete them manually through the Planning Domain in Control-M/EM. This will delete the tables also from the table library (due to two-way synchronization). If you need the tables to remain in the library, you can back them up before deleting them in Control-M/EM, and restore them in the library after deleting.

Table 21b Control-M customization - RULELIBS Member




The purpose of the RULELIBS member in the CTM PARM library is to define a list of default libraries containing the Control-M Event Manager rule definitions.

The user can maintain these libraries from the Control-M Event Manager option located under Tools -> Production Control in the Control-M GUI.

After installation, the default value of this member is the Control-M CMEM rule library allocated as part of the installation.

Note: Only the library name is to be specified in columns 1 - 44 of the RULELIBS member. If the user enters anything else, such as a comment, an error will be issued indicating that the rule library cannot be found. The user can enter comments in columns 45 - 72.

For information about other Control-M parameters that may be specified during a customized installation, see the "Installing Control-M" chapter in INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

Parent Topic

Control-M parameter customization