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CTMAS section

This section contains parameters that are used to customize the Control-M Application Server (CTMAS).

Table 15 CTMAS parameters





Action to be taken when the Control-M Application Server (CTMAS) encounters an error during the download process. Valid values are:

  • EMX – Log the event in the IOA log file and exclude the problematic job from the next download. Default.
  • LOG – Log the event in the IOA log file.



Whether the Control-M User Daily database will be updated with the User Daily name specified when uploading a table from the Control-M/Enterprise Manager.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Update the Control‑M User Daily database. Default.

Note: Either the Control‑M/Event Manager or Control‑O must be active if the EMUSDLY parameter is set to Y.

  • N – Do Not update the Control‑M User Daily database.


Parent Topic

Control-M parameter customization