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2. Messages IEW0461 or IEW2454W

IOA contains some modules that are written in SAS-C. These modules are link-edited with the AUTOCALL option. The SMP/E implementation of AUTOCALL is performed in two stages. During the first stage, modules are link-edited with the NCAL parameter into the SMPLTS library (SMP/E Link-edit Temporary Storage data set). During this stage, it is expected and acceptable that the linkage editor issues IEW0461 or IEW2454W messages to the SYSPRINT data set.

During the second stage the load modules are re-link-edited from the SMPLTS (INCLUDE SMPLTS(xxxx)) with the CALL parameter to the LOAD library. During the second stage, there should not be any IEW0461 or IEW2454W messages.

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