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3. Message GIM38201E

The GIM38201E message identifies a MODID ERROR situation. It is accompanied by message GIM3190x, which details the reason for the failure, and message GIM44326I. SMP/E expected a PRE / REQ / SUP relationship between the installed PTF and the current SYSMOD level (RMID) of the element, but the relationship was not present. This situation may be encountered in one of the following scenarios:

The first scenario is abnormal and requires further investigation.

The second scenario is normal and would normally be handled by the Maintenance or APPLY Ad hoc PTF(s) engine. It means that a PTF attempted to maintain an element that was previously modified locally, and installed using an SMP/E USERMOD.

In the event that SMP/E APPLY (CHECK) was run outside of ICE ("natively") and this scenario was encountered, it can be handled as follows:

  1. Record all EXITs identified in the messages.
  2. Verify that no other error messages exist. If other error messages exist, resolve them first and then continue with these instructions.
  3. Add ",ID" to the BYPASS operand on the APPLY (CHECK) command.
  4. Rerun the APPLY (CHECK) step and verify its successful completion. Message GIM44326I is expected and can be ignored.
  5. At this point, continue with the maintenance upgrade until successful completion, then return to perform the actions shown below for each EXIT that you recorded in step 1. Select one of the following User EXITalternatives (CTMX001, CTDX022, and so on):

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