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Preparing for the ad hoc installation

The best practice is to decide carefully before beginning the ad hoc installation, which PTFs you need for your system.

Before the ad hoc installation process begins, customers must verify that there is enough space in the basepref.MAINTLIB and ilprefa.MAINTLIB libraries in order to accommodate 50 additional blocks and 4 additional directory blocks.

In preparation for the ad hoc installation, choose a method for obtaining the PTFs to be used by the ad hoc installation process. You can choose between two methods — RECEIVE ORDER from BMC's Automated Delivery Server or Obtaining PTFs from eFix.


In this method, you RECEIVE the PTFs that you specify, along with any PTFs in the PRE/REQ chain that are missing from your environment, through a direct internet connection with BMC's Automated Delivery Server.

The latest Enhanced HOLDDATA is included, as well. Enhanced HOLDDATA is an SMP/E mechanism that assists in identifying PTFs in error and corrective PTFs, if available.

When using the RECEIVE ORDER method for the first time, you must perform an initial configuration. This involves setting local values for parameters regarding the required certificates and the connection with the client environment. For more information, see Parameters for RECEIVE ORDER.

Obtaining PTFs from eFix

In this method, you download PTF files from eFix. These files contain the PTFs to be installed, together with any prerequisites above the current maintenance level. After downloading the PTF files, unzip them and transfer them to the mainframe as one or more binary files. When there are multiple pages to be downloaded from eFix, each page must be downloaded as a separate file.

For each page of PTFs downloaded from eFix, if any of the PTFs are identified as being in error, a file containing SMP/E HOLDDATA statements is also included in the zip file that you download. Enhanced HOLDDATA is an SMP/E mechanism that assists in identifying PTFs that are in error, and identifying corrective PTFs, if available. These HOLDDATA files must also be transferred to the mainframe as one or more binary files. The HOLDDATA must reside in files separate from the PTFs.

These PTF and HOLDDATA files must be renamed to the names indicated in the Manage PTF(s) file(s) step of the ad hoc PTF process. They require the following dataset attributes: LRECL=80, RECFM=FB, DSORG=PS. An unlimited number of PTFs, in up to 10 files, can be installed in a single ad hoc cycle. For each PTF file, a parallel HOLDDATA file containing one or more applicable HOLDDATA statements to be RECEIVEd can also be made available.

Parent Topic

Preparing for ad hoc maintenance