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Step 1.2 – Manage PTF(s) file(s)
  1. Select Minor Step 2, Manage PTF(s) file(s).
  2. Select the method to obtain PTFs:
  3. If you chose to use RECEIVE ORDER, specify the IDs of the PTFs that you want to install.

    You do not need to specify requisite PTFs, as they will be automatically RECEIVEd together with the specified PTF(s).

    NOTE: If you have not yet completed the initial configuration for RECEIVE ORDER, first enter S next to Specify 'S' to View/Edit the details of certificates/client environment for RECEIVE ORDER. On the Parameter Data Entry screen, set local values for the required/relevant parameters, as discussed in Parameters for RECEIVE ORDER, and then press PF3 (END).

    After specifying the PTF IDs, press PF3 (END) to return to the Minor Steps Selection panel.

  4. If you chose to download from eFix, perform the following steps, to check that the data sets are available with the correct attributes and names.
    1. Ensure that the PTF(s) (and HOLDDATA, if applicable) are already contained in sequential data sets on DASD. If necessary, perform the preparatory steps described in Preparing for the ad hoc installation. In addition, ensure that the data sets that contain the PTFs have the attributes and data set names as specified in the panel instructions.

      The name of each provided data set is displayed in the list at the bottom of the panel with a Ready status. If a parallel HOLDDATA data set was also made available, its status is displayed in the HOLDDATA column; otherwise, a status of N/A is displayed.

      At the top of the panel, the names of the PTF and (optionally) HOLDDATA data sets to be used next (if required) are displayed.

      There can be one or more sequential PTF data sets (limit 10). Each data set might contain one or more PTFs. For each PTF data set, a parallel HOLDDATA data set might also exist.

      If there is no HOLDDATA for a PTF, do NOT provide an empty HOLDDATA file, since the empty HOLDDATA file might prevent Step 1.2 from completing successfully, or it might cause problems in the RECEIVE job submitted in Step 1.3.

    2. Press Enter.

      The display is refreshed, to reflect the current status of the PTF and HOLDDATA data sets.

    3. When all data sets are in Ready status, press PF3 (END) to return to the Minor Steps Selection panel.

Parent Topic

Ad hoc APPLY PTF process