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Step F1: Stop all IOA activities

Stop the monitor or job that connects to the components that you want to fall back to an earlier version.

Read all documentation about stopping IOA activities and prepare your fallback plan. Depending on your site configuration, you may have to perform an IPL.

WARNING: If several INCONTROL products are installed, stop all IOA activities for all products before starting the fallback phase. This is essential because all products share the same database. (For example, all products share the same IOA Conditions file and IOA Log file.)

To stop all IOA activities, do the following:

  1. Terminate online sessions

    Terminate all IOA Online sessions, such as TSO, ROSCOE, IOA Online monitor, and the IOA VTAM monitor.

  2. Stop initiators

    If the JCL of production jobs runs an IOA utility or report, stop the JES initiators that handle such jobs during the fallback phase. Similarly, ensure that long‑running address spaces and online services do not invoke IOA services.

  3. Stop functions

    Ensure that functions of CMEM, CDAM, and Control‑O are not used during the fallback phase.

    1. Stop JES initiators that handle production jobs that use CDAM files.
    2. Ensure that occasional production jobs whose arrival may be acknowledged by either CMEM or Control‑O are not submitted on any CPU on which CMEM or Control‑O is active.
    3. Stop JES initiators that handle production jobs that may trigger events in CMEM or Control‑O.
    4. Stop started tasks or log off all TSO users that may trigger events in CMEM or Control‑O.
  4. Stop tasks

    Stop all tasks that allocate IOA files either by DD statements or by dynamic allocation.

  5. Stop all Control‑O activity
    1. For each Control-O or CMEM monitor that is part of your environment, stop the monitor by executing one of the following operator commands, and wait until the monitor address space and its dependent address spaces (Control‑O servers) terminate
      • F controlo,STOP
      • P controlo

      In the commands listed above, controlo is the name of the Control-O or CMEM monitor.

    2. Stop the Control‑O Application Server by executing the P CTOAS operator command and wait for shutdown.
  6. Stop all Control‑M activity

    For each Control-M monitor that is part of your environment, stop the monitor by executing the P controlm operator command, and wait until the monitor address space terminates.

    In this command, controlm is the name of the Control-M monitor. In a CTMPLEX configuration, BMC recommends first stopping the Local Sysplex Monitors (LSM) and then stopping the Global Sysplex Monitor (GSM).

  7. Stop all Control‑D activity

    Stop the Control-D monitor that is part of your environment, stop the monitor by executing the P controld operator command, and wait until the monitor address space and all of its dependent address spaces (Print Monitors) terminate.

    In this command, controld is the name of the Control-D monitor.

  8. Stop all Control‑V activity

    Stop IOA Archive Server activities by executing the F IOASMON,STOP operator command and wait for shutdown of the server.

  9. Stop all Control‑M/Analyzer activity

    If Control‑M/Analyzer is running with a Control‑M or Control‑D monitor, stop the monitor.

  10. Stop all Control‑M/Tape activity
    1. Stop all tape activity.
    2. Take Control‑M/Tape down by using the S CTTINIT,PARM=TERM operator command and wait for termination of Control‑M/Tape.

    Note: If you run a previous version of Control‑M/Tape parallel to the Control‑M/Tape current version, you must shut down both versions.

    1. If you are using the optional IOA Functional Monitor, stop the IOA Functional Monitor, IOAFMON.
  11. Stop IOAGATE

    For each IOA Gateway that is part of your environment, stop the gateway by executing the P ioagate operator command, and wait until the gateway address space and all of its dependent address spaces (Application Servers) terminate.

    In this command, ioagate is the name of the IOA Gateway.

  12. Inhibit automatic startup of INCONTROL products during IPL (optional).

    Edit the COMMNDxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB operating system library and remove all commands that start IOA activities.

Any activities that you stop during this step must not be restarted until you have done the following:

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