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Step 44. Migrate Control-M
  1. Replace Control‑M procedures

    If you used Control‑M procedures in your jobs, you can use the JCLLIB statement or you can copy these procedures to the procedure library at your site.

    Note: If Control‑M JCL procedure prefixes are not the same as prefixes of the previous version, modify the JCL of the production jobs to refer to the new Control‑M JCL procedure names.

    In cases where the name of a Control-M procedure does not follow the standard of PROCPREFM (3 characters) and then a suffix such as TROLM or TDAY, the name of the currently used procedure should be changed to another name, and the procedures for the new version should be renamed to the customer's selected name.

  2. Migrate the Control‑M Repository

    Rename or delete the current release CKP, BKP, journaling files (JNL, RESJNL, CKPJNL, CNDJNL), STATFILE, and optionally, the ALT files that were used while testing.

    To reallocate the new Control‑M Repository, enter Control‑M Customization and select the "Customize Control‑M Dataset Parameters" step.

    If you have already copied the AJF as part of Step 27. Prepare Control-M, then skip A and B below.

    1. Allocate and format the Control‑M Active Jobs file (AJF) and the Control-M History Jobs file (HST).
    2. If the IOA QNAME was changed (as recommended in Step 3. Install the IOA component, Item 4), copy the Active Jobs file using the CTMCAJF utility and copy the History Jobs file using the CTMHCOP utility.
    3. Copy the resources from the Control-M Resources file of the version you are migrating from into the new Control‑M Resources file using the CTMCRES utility. A sample job is found in the Control‑M JCL library. For more information on using the CTMCRES utility, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.
    4. Copy the statistics from the Control-M STATFILE of the version you are migrating from into the new Control-M STATFILE file, using the IDCAMS IBM utility with the REPRO command.
    5. The group name in jobs belonging to a SMART table are inherited, but can be modified. Since the job statistics file uses a key structure that includes both the job name and the group name, be aware that changing the inherited group name will affect the job statistics for this job.

      For example, assume that there are two jobs on panel 3 with the same name and the same group. If you look at the statistics for one of these jobs, you will see both jobs on the statistics panel. The average elapsed time and the median elapsed time, for example, will be calculated based on both these jobs. However, if there are two jobs on panel 3 with the same name, but different groups, there will be separate statistics for each of these jobs.

    6. Allocate and format the Control-M journaling files.
  3. Compress the AJF file

    Run the CTMCAJF utility with the "COMPRESS" option to update the pointers on the migrated AJF file. Perform this action only after items 2a. and 2c. above have both been performed since CTMCAJF also updates pointers to the Control-M Resource file.

  4. Verify New Day procedure

    Ensure that the current release Control‑M New Day procedure, CTMTDAY, and any User daily jobs, all reference the same table names that were referenced in the version you are now using, in the appropriate scheduling library.

  5. Adjust Date Control Records

    Copy all date control records (all members that start with the DATEREC prefix) from the previous Control‑M Parameters library to the current release Control‑M PARM library.

  6. Complete the IOA Core file migration

    Execute the IOALDNRS utility to populate the IOA Manual Conditions file (NRS). See the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide for details on executing the IOALDNRS utility.

  7. Migrate Workload Policies

    Copy members CTMWKLDT and CTMWKLDS from the previous IOA PARM library to the IOA PARM library of the current release. These members contain the Local Workload Policies and Global Workload Policies.

Parent Topic

Migrating adjusted products