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Creating USERMODs using the ICE Automatic Exit Installation Tool

Exits are installed and customized using the ICE Automatic Exit Installation tool. This tool does the following:

Names of the USERMOD members are in the format UMxXnnn[a], where x indicates the INCONTROL product, nnn is the exit number, and a is an [optional] additional character. For example, the USERMOD created for exit CTDX015V is in member UMDX015V.

In prior versions, exits were installed by modifying a USERMOD for each exit directly. While this is still possible, you must first enter the ICE Automatic Exit Installation tool to build the first copy of the USERMOD and place it in the CUSTEXIT dataset. Once you have created the first copy of the USERMOD, you can then modify the exit’s USERMOD directly.

Note: BMC recommends that you make all modifications using the ICE Automatic Exit Installation tool. However, if you choose to modify the USERMODs directly, back up any local modifications to the USERMOD before modifying a USERMOD, and then edit that USERMOD to fit your requirements.

BMC does not undertake to provide USERMODs for all special or customized exits.

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