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Creating alternative index components
  1. Define the keys of the alternative index in the DEFALTI member of the IOA INSTWORK library.

    Define a unique alternative index letter for the alternative index identification. The list and order of the keys should reflect the most frequently used fields in the filter for a report list request.

    For example:

    ALT=J                       ALT INDEX LETTER

    KEY=(M,1,8,A),(U,1,8,A)     (JOBNAME,USER)        KEYLEN=24

  2. Define the Alternative Index file in the DEF’s members for Active, History, and Migrated User files of the IOA INSTWORK library.

    The index key length defined in the KEYLEN field of the DEF’s members must be equal to the sum of the key’s length defined in DEFALTI member +8.

    If MUF partitions are used, the alternative index files must be created for all MUF partitions.

    Add and define corresponding members in the INSTWORK library. For example, if you create an alternative index ‘J’, then you must define the corresponding members similar to the following:


    TYPE=I                                            TYPE INDEX

    DSN=%DBPREFD%.ACTJ                                DSNAME FOR ACTIVE

    BLKSIZE=27998                                     BLKSIZE

    DATA=Y                                            DATA PRESENTS IN INDEX

    SPACE=(30000,15000)                               BLOCKS(PRIME,SECOND)

    EXTEND=A                                          AUTOMATIC EXTENSION

    DUAL=N                                            DUAL FILE NEEDED

    DUALM=N                                           DUAL=MUST MODE

    DUALST=N                                          TIMESTAMP SUPPORTED

    KEYLEN=50                                         KEYLEN

    BUFL=50                                           NUMBER OF BUFFERS

    EAVUSE=OPT                                        EAV ABILITY

    UNIT=3390                                         UNIT FOR MAIN D.B.

    VOL=                                              VOLUMES FOR MAIN D.B.

    UNITD=3390                                        UNIT FOR MAIN D.B.

    VOLD=                                             VOLUMES FOR MAIN D.B.


    TYPE=I                                            TYPE INDEX

    DSN=%DBPREFD%.HSTJ                                DSNAME FOR HISTORY

    BLKSIZE=27998                                     BLKSIZE

    DATA=Y                                            DATA PRESENTS IN INDEX

    SPACE=(30000,15000)                               BLOCKS(PRIME,SECOND)

    EXTEND=A                                          AUTOMATIC EXTENSION

    DUAL=N                                            DUAL FILE NEEDED

    DUALM=N                                           DUAL=MUST MODE

    DUALST=N                                          TIMESTAMP SUPPORTED

    KEYLEN=50                                         KEYLEN

    BUFL=50                                           NUMBER OF BUFFERS

    EAVUSE=OPT                                        EAV ABILITY

    UNIT=3390                                         UNIT FOR MAIN D.B.

    VOL=                                              VOLUMES FOR MAIN D.B.

    UNITD=3390                                        UNIT FOR MAIN D.B.

    VOLD=                                             VOLUMES FOR MAIN D.B.


    TYPE=I                                            TYPE INDEX

    DSN=%DBPREFD%.MIG                                 DSNAME FOR MIGRATED

    BLKSIZE=27998                                     BLKSIZE

    DATA=Y                                            DATA PRESENTS IN INDEX

    SPACE=(30000,15000)                               BLOCKS(PRIME,SECOND)

    EXTEND=A                                          AUTOMATIC EXTENSION

    DUAL=N                                            DUAL FILE NEEDED

    DUALM=N                                           DUAL=MUST MODE

    DUALST=N                                          TIMESTAMP SUPPORTED

    KEYLEN=50                                         KEYLEN

    BUFL=50                                           NUMBER OF BUFFERS

    EAVUSE=OPT                                        EAV ABILITY

    UNIT=3390                                         UNIT FOR MAIN D.B.

    VOL=                                              VOLUMES FOR MAIN D.B.

    UNITD=3390                                        UNIT FOR MAIN D.B.

    VOLD=                                             VOLUMES FOR MAIN D.B.

  3. Use the CTDUFDBF job in the Control-D JCL library with parameter FUNC=INIT to allocate and format new alternative Active, History, and Migrated index files.

    For example:




  4. Stop all Control-D monitors, Control-D applications, IOA Archive Server monitors, and IOA online sessions.
  5. Copy member IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTD, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV from IOAENV library to the IOAPARM library.

    Update the IOADSNL, ALCCTDJB, ALCCTD, ALCCTVJB, ALCCTV, and ALCDOLV members in the IOA PARM library, according to the new alternative index files.

    For example, for an alternative index “J” update these members as follows:


    DATASET DAACTJ,                                                         




    DATASET DAMIGJ,                                                         




    DATASET DAHSTJ,                                                         

















  6. Activate the alternative index using the CTDUFANX utility with parameter FUNC=ADD

    An alternative index has the same structure for all User files and should be activated together for all Active Migration and History User files.

    If MUF partitions are used, the alternative index files should be created for all MUF partitions

    For example:


  7. Build alternative indexes for each user file using the CTDUFDIB job with parameter ALT=ONLY in the CTDDIB step.
  8. Start all Control-D monitors, Control-D applications, IOA Archive Server monitors, and IOA online sessions.

Parent Topic

Using Alternative Index Components