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FTK Media Definition

The following table describes the parameters that are used to define FTK media during Control‑V installation:

Table 176 FTK Media Definition Parameters for Control-V Installation




Maximum number of logical devices that can be active at any one time for the media. Each logical device opens a session with the Storage Machine (SM). To determine an appropriate value for this parameter, see the documentation supplied with the FileTek Storage machine.

Note: If more than one media has been defined for the same SM, you must verify that the sum of the values specified for parameter MAXCONN in all media definitions for the SM does not exceed the maximum number of sessions that the SM can support.


Name of the FileTek Media being defined.


Name of the FileTek Host Storage Machine subsystem.


Storage Machine Account ID. Control‑V uses this value to open a session with the FileTek SM.


Password for the specified ACCOUNT.


An Access Group name for files migrated to this media.


Used to specify passwords for access to files in the specified GROUP. Separate passwords can be specified for READ, WRITE, and DELETE access of the files in the GROUP.

Using the above parameters you can create several different definitions for FTK media. Some possible reasons for creating more than one definition for FTK media include the following:

For a detailed description of the parameters used for FTK media definition, see the Control‑V chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide Installing.

Parent Topic

FileTek Storage Machine Media Definition