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Transforming Reports To PDF Format

When the PRINT/CDAM parameter in the decollation mission is defined as TRANSTO=(PDF,STORE) and the STORE parameter in the print mission is set to Y, the following report formats can be transformed to PDF format:

This feature has the following advantages:

The PDF transformation can be performed for regular reports and for normalized reports created by the ON TRNDSN and ON TRNCLASS decollation parameters. Control-V indexes created by decollation are adjusted for the resulting PDF file.

The transformed PDF report can be accessed by Control-D/WebAccess Server users through index navigation.

Review the following comments before defining the report transformation, which begins with Collecting resources for transformation:

The following steps describe the report transformation procedure:

  1. It is important to map AFP and Xerox fonts to True Type fonts so the Transformation will run faster. The mapping is done with the fontmap table specified in the Report Clique. A default FONTMAP.tbl is supplied in the IOA SAMPREPS library, and it will be available to the Transformer if the following lines are included in the entry for the report in the $$TRNRES member:

    AFP,ALL=IOA.SAMPREPS library name


    XRX,ALL=IOA.SAMPREPS library name

    The FONTMAP table can be created by Control-D/Desktop in Control‑D/WebAccess installations and then uploaded to the IOA SAMPREPS library on the mainframe, with translation to EBCDIC. There can be multiple font mapping tables for different reports, each table with a different name. Specify the name of the table in the Font Mapping Table Name parameter of the Report Clique.

    Font mapping considerations

    For more information see the "Font Mapping and Text Rendering" section in the Report Transformation chapter of the Control‑D/WebAccess Server Administrator Guide.

  2. Define Report Clique in the DO.1 screen and specify the parameters that describe the report and its resources. For more information see the Online Facilities chapter of the Control‑D and Control‑V User Guide.
  3. In the decollation definition, define PRINT/CDAM parameters as TRANSTO=(PDF,STORE).
  4. Do one of the following:
  5. Define a DO PRINT statement in a decollation definition for referencing a print mission from the next step.
  6. Set the print mission STORE parameter to Y.
  7. Specify either MIGRATE or BACKUP fields (or both) if transformed reports in PDF format must be migrated or backed up.
  8. Create a member in the TRANSTO library, assigning the jobname of the report as the member name.

    TRANSTO Library Member Syntax

    Each member in the TRANSTO library should employ the following syntax:

    ++++report name mask


    [CLIQUE=Report Clique name]

    [parameter name=parameter value] [;comment]

    You can specify entries for each report name in one of the following ways:

  9. Run the Print mission.

    By default, two print missions can concurrently transform to PDF. You can increase the number of concurrently running print missions to a maximum of five by applying the WD2375 Wish.

  10. Check that the print mission ended OK and use Control‑D/WebAccess Server to view the PDF report. If the report is displayed correctly, all Report Clique parameters were correctly defined and all resources are available. If the PDF report does not look like the printed report, check one of the following options:

    When you activate trace, the Report Clique parameters used for transformation are written to the SYSPRIN DD statement in the CTDPRINT monitor.

    After fixing the problems rerun the print mission until the PDF report appearance is improved.

Tip: If a report is extremely large, transformation to PDF can take a long time. In such cases, try to create a special, smaller report with the same structure and print it until it displays correctly. After the smaller report is correctly displayed you can then transform the large report.

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Control-D and Control-V