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Using ACIF to verify collected resources for AFP category 3 and 4 reports

To verify correct use of collected report resource libraries for AFP report categories 3 or 4, you can use the IBM ACIF utility (APKACIF module). For information about using the ACIF utility under Control-D Print monitor, see Advanced ACIF Interface Facility. The current section deals with using the ACIF utility in a separate job, outside of Control-D.

For an example of using ACIF utility in a separate job, see the CTDACIF member of the IOA SAMPLE library. If the original report was written directly to CDAM, use the following example to extract a report from CDAM to a sequential data set:










//      SPACE=(TRK,(2000,100),RLSE)


If the test report was correctly processed by the ACIF utility, but there are problems regarding resources used by the transformer, contact BMC Customer Support. Provide the following documents:

Using AFP Viewer under WebAccess, you can view reports created by the ACIF utility (submitted by a PRINT mission, when STORE=Y).

To test AFP report category 4 and related resources, you do not need to index the AFP report. So you can optionally omit the TRIGGER, FIELD, INDEX parameters.

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AFP Reports