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Large-Scalability Parallel Sysplex Scheduling Support

CTMPLEX (the Control‑M Parallel Sysplex support configuration) provides users with management capabilities over the entire Sysplex environment.

When utilizing a small Sysplex environment (for example,  up to five Sysplex images), a single Control‑M monitor can supports all CPUs, all controlled from a single tracking and control screen.

For large-scale Sysplex environments, CTMPLEX utilizes its advanced Sysplex management. The product activates a Control‑M Global Sysplex Manager (GSM) on one of the MVS images in the Sysplex environment. The system administrator can then select any or all of the remaining Sysplex images and activate Control‑M Local Sysplex Monitors (LSM) on those images. The Control‑M GSM has exclusive access to the Control‑M Repository (Active Jobs file, Resources file, and so on), and controls the workload balancing among all Control‑M LSMs. Each LSM receives portions of work from the GSM, performs the work and reports the results to the GSM.

This Parallel Sysplex Control‑M configuration allows the product to take advantage of all available resources in the Sysplex, such as CPUs, JES, and the Coupling facility, and to handle any number of jobs that may run in the Sysplex at any time. Each Control‑M’s LSM controls and monitors a portion of the active jobs that runs in the Sysplex. Consequently, the workload is divided among all available CPUs and JES components, preventing potential bottlenecks.

Parent Topic

CTMPLEX: Control-M for the Sysplex