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Shared-Spool Configuration with Multiple Control-M Production Systems

This environment might or might not use an ENQ-handling product. DISK 1 may or may not be connected to CPU B. DISK 2 may or may not be connected to CPU A.

The following figure shows a Shared-Spool configuration with Multiple Control‑M Production Systems:

Figure 37 Shared-Spool Configuration With Multiple Control-M Production Systems

Linked JPEG File Template INControl

Some users employ two Control‑M production systems in a Shared-Spool environment. Each system employs a separate Repository. Because a single Control‑M system is sufficient for controlling the whole Shared-Spool environment, two production systems are not required and, in fact, increase the requirement for disk space, resource consumption and maintenance. However, the following examples describe situations that can justify using two Control‑M production systems.

Parent Topic

Multi-CPU Configuration