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Shared Spool Configuration – Without an ENQ-Handling Product

This environment is identical to the previous environment except that no ENQ handling product is employed. Another difference is that the shared Spool might or might not be connected to CPU B.

You should not use this configuration.

Only one Control‑M monitor is required for handling the entire shared SPOOL complex. Aside from the following restrictions, all the capabilities also apply to this configuration:

If CPU A and CPU B maintain an appropriate cross-domain SNA connection through a CTC, 37xx communication controller (or equivalent) or Token Ring connection, then the terminal user can log on to VTAM application running in CPU A and invoke the IOA Online Interface. Relevant VTAM applications are: TSO, ROSCOE, IOA VTAM monitor, CICS, IMS/DC, and any VTAM application that supports the IOA Online Facility.

Parent Topic

Multi-CPU Configuration