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Mirror File (Dual Checkpointing Mode) Considerations

The Control‑M monitor can work in dual mode. In dual mode, the Control‑M monitor maintains duplicate copies of the Control‑M Active Jobs file, the Control‑M Resources file, and the IOA Conditions file. If a disk crash makes the files inaccessible, the mirror files can immediately replace them.

The DUALDB parameter determines dual mode operation. For more information, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing, "Installation steps" > "IOA datasets characteristics" > "Mirror file for IOA conditions" > "Additional parameters."

Because of performance considerations, BMC no longer recommends using the mirror file mechanism. Instead—for backup and recovery—use the Control-M Journaling facility, described in Journaling. By using Journaling, you can avoid the performance loss associated with mirroring, taking advantage of the increased efficiency and integrity features built into modern storage devices.

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