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NJE Diagnostic Procedures

An NJE job is a job submitted by the Control‑M monitor for execution on a remote node. Control‑M can detect the status of jobs running on a remote node, and when these jobs finish executing, Control‑M can assign a status to them.

To analyze how a job finished executing, Control‑M uses JES services to read the job’s output. If Control‑M detects a critical error in JES operation, it shuts itself down. This prevents the incorrect submission of jobs due to a JES malfunction.

Errors can occur under the following circumstances:

To determine the cause of a specific error, it may be necessary to provide the Control‑M administrator with specific information about the job. The following suggestions can help resolve the problem:

BMC recommends that you do not purge jobs from the spool on the remote node. However, if a job was purged from the spool on the remote node, you must notify Control‑M of the event, by changing the value in the NJE field in the Active Environment Zoom screen (Screen 3.Z) to '  ' (Blank). After a short time, the status of the job changes to Disappeared.

If the remote node is not active or not connected to the home node, you should activate the remote node or reconnect the home node and the remote node. If this is not possible, you must notify Control-M of the event by changing the value in the NJE field in the Active Environment Zoom screen (Screen 3.Z) to '  ' (Blank). After a short time, the status of the job changes to Disappeared.

If the previous suggestions do not resolve the problem, perform the following procedure:

To open a BMC Customer Support case for an NJE issue

  1. In member CTMPARM of the IOA PARM library, set parameter DBGMCS=Y.
  2. Restart the Control-M monitor
  3. Set traces 33, 39, and 79 by issuing the following MVS modify command:

    F ctm, TRACE=(33,39,79)

    where ctm is the name of your Control-M monitor STC.

  4. Reproduce the problem.
  5. Reset the CTMPARM parameters to their original value and turn off the traces.
  6. Send the following documentation to BMC Customer Support:

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