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Placing Certain Control-M/IOA Files on Special Disk Devices

Some sites have special disk devices such as

Several Control‑M/IOA files are good candidates for placement on these devices.

The (usually temporary) file referenced by DD statement OUT180 is a good example. The first three SYSOUT files of a job submitted by Control‑M are read from spool and written to this file for later analysis. A permanent file can be allocated on an appropriate device and defined in DD statement OUT180 to control the placement of this file.

This file is obsolete if Control‑M/Restart has been installed.

In DD statement OUT180, some customers specify UNIT=VIO (that is, Virtual I/O) to gain I/O performance improvement through the MVS paging mechanism. You should measure your system’s paging performance before considering this.

All of these suggestions have a positive impact on the performance of the Control‑M monitor and other Control‑M components. They also minimize the likelihood of two Control‑M components attempting to access the same resource at the same time.

These suggestions also have a positive impact on the performance of some IOA Online facility screens. For example, optimizing Active Jobs file placement speeds up performance when using Screen 3 of the Online facility. Optimizing IOA Log file placement speeds up performance when using the Screens 5 and 3.L of the Online facility.

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General Tuning Issues