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CONNECT DIRECT Support (Formerly NDM Support)

Control‑M supports CONNECT DIRECT software, which creates dataset events (that is, the appearance of a dataset) on the system. CONNECT DIRECT support enables dataset events to automatically trigger Control‑M operations (adding and deleting prerequisite conditions, and/or triggering jobs) to handle these events.

The Control‑M user creates and modifies dataset event definitions by using online Event Definition and Event List screens.

CONNECT DIRECT support consists of the following phases:


The following sample CONNECT DIRECT script calls the IOADDR dataset driver to set a different prerequisite condition upon successful or unsuccessful completion of a file transfer:






          RUN TASK (PGM=IOADDR, -

                    PARM=('OUTDSN.COPY.GOOD')) SNODE


          RUN TASK (PGM=IOADDR, -

                    PARM=('OUTDSN.COPY.FAILED')) SNODE


EXEC IOADDC,PARM=(’dataset-name’)

Note: The environment that calls the IOADDR/IOADDC module must have the DAPARM DD statement allocated to it. For further information see Customizing the IOA Online Environment.

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