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Job Order Interface—Defining Job Lists for Each User

When an end user orders jobs using the End User Job Order Interface utility, the list of jobs that end user can order is displayed. For more information, see the online facilities chapter in the Control‑M for z/OS User Guide.

When using the End User Job Order interface, a user is permitted to order jobs in tables determined by the INCONTROL administrator. Multiple users can utilize the same table. The INCONTROL administrator must ensure that the tables do not contain jobs with duplicate jobnames.

To identify which table each user can utilize, the INCONTROL administrator defines a special control member. This control member lists users and the available table for each user.

The control member must be defined in a PDS with LRECL=80, RECFM=F, or FB. The default location is the @@USRTBL member in the Control‑M SCHEDULE library, but these values are parameters to CLIST and CTMJBINT, and can be modified according to site requirements. This control member may contain multiple lines for each user ID or mask, and is maintained by the INCONTROL administrator.

The following table shows how each line is formatted:

Table 105 Format of Lines in the Control Member



Cols 1–8

TSO user ID or mask. See TSO User ID Masking.

Col 9


Cols 10–17

Table name in the scheduling table library.

Cols 18–19


Cols 20–63

Name of the scheduling table library (required only if different from the library where the control member is located). If this entry is non‑blank, it must contain a fully qualified dataset name including the high-level qualifier and must not be enclosed in quotes.

Col 64


Cols 65-72

Jobname prefix. If this field is blank, the user can order any job in the table.
If a user is to be permitted to order only certain jobs from the table that is coded in column 10, use column 65 to specify a jobname prefix for those jobs.

Col 73

Indicates whether the jobname in column 65 is to be treated as a full jobname or a generic jobname prefix. An X in column 73 prevents the jobname from being treated as a generic prefix name.

The @@USRTBL member must not contain TSO line numbers in columns 73-80.

Any line containing an asterisk in the first column is treated as a comment and is not processed.

Parent Topic

Ordering and Submitting Jobs and Started Tasks