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Comment Lines Added During Job Submission

Control‑M adds the following comment lines to the JCL output of each job that is executed using Control‑M:

//*-- SUBMITTED BY Control-M (FROM lib)    ODATE=odate

//*-- SCHEDULE schedlib(sched-table)

//*-- SCHEDULED DUE TO RBC: rbc-name

//*-- JCL     jcllib(jclmembr)

//*--  Control-M JOB IDENTIFICATION: ORDER ID=order-id RUN NO.=run-number


If Control-M is upgraded from a non-supported version, the values for the scheduling library, table, JCL library, and JCL member may appear as UNKNOWN for jobs ordered before the upgrade.

The value in the SCHED comment line is also indicated as UNKNOWN when you perform an AutoEdit simulation using the JCL library mode.

Parent Topic

Job Ordering and Submission Considerations