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The SHOWMODULES IDL modify command displays a map of an address space, that is, a full list of tasks and modules currently running in an address space. BMC recommends that you use this command as appropriate. The command syntax of the SHOWMODULES IDL modify commands is:


Shown below is an example of the output of the SHOWMODULES command:

Address Space: A60GATED.A60GATED-GATEWAY(STC20438)  System ID: OS35  OS/390 02.10

Module     TCB    CB  Owner  EPAddrss Length SP  Use Attributes Resident AMODE Alias

--------   ------ --  ------ -------- ------ --- --- ---------- -------- ----- -

IEAVAR00   9FE0A8 RB* OS2.10 879941C8 002420 252 193 Rent     L FLPA >16    31 

IEFSD060   9FFBF8 RB         80E57940 00E8C0 000 000 Rent     L PLPA        31 

IEESB605   ...    RB* 9FE0A8 00E68000 0049C0 000 000 Rent     L PLPA        24 

ECAGTW     9F94C8 RB* 9FFBF8 00007380 01FC80 251 001      AC1 L JPA        ANY 

ECALAST    ...    LLE        97532A60 0035A0 251 001      AC1 L JPA  >16    31 

ECAXMI     ...    LLE        80034B90 001470 251 001          L JPA         31 

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Modify commands