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The SHOWMODULE (and WTOMODULE) IDL modify commands display, in either DAPRIDL or WTO output, IDL information about a specific module or multiple modules. An asterisk (*) can be used as a mask character when specifying the parameter. The SHOWMODULE and WTOMODULE IDL command syntax is:

SHOWMODULE= {<name>|<mask>}

WTOMODULE= {<name>|<mask>}

Shown below is an example of the output of the SHOWMODULE command:



-------- -------- ------ ------ --------     -----  ------- ------ --- 

IOAMRO   IOAMRO   000000 001A92 02/17/04     14.24  6.2     BI2590 ASM

IOAMRO   H2TIMER  001A98 000346 03/21/00     13.27  6.2     IOA600 ASM

IOAMRO   IEANTRT  001DE0 000046 Foreign belongs to IBM

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Modify commands