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Output (DATRACE)

Figure 101 Sample Output DATRACE

#================================================================== . . .# 

|      |     |             #  Total  |    1    |    2    |    3          |

| Chan |Appl | Data        #   9:47- |  13:07- |  13:17- |  13:27-       |

|  ID  |Name | Type        #  13:59  |  13:17  |  13:27  |  13:37        |

+------+-----+-------------#---------+---------+---------+--------- . . .+

| MCM2 |  D  | COUNTERS:   #         |         |         |               |

|      |     | TRANS       #    140  |     56  |     30  |     17        |

|      |     | MSGS -IN    #    140  |     76  |     30  |     14        |

|      |     | MSGS -OUT   #    140  |     56  |     30  |     17        |

|      |     | BYTES-IN    # 33,080  | 18,568  |  8,256  |  3,488        |

|      |     | BYTES-OUT   #  1,246K |    157K |    381K |    291K       |

|      |     | ----------  #---------|---------|---------|--------- . . .+

|      |     | AVRG TIME:  #         |         |         |               |

|      |     | INP-Q.TIME  #   .004s |   .005s |   .004s |   .011s       |

|      |     | OUT-Q.TIME  #   .012s |   .001s |   .013s |   .006s       |

|      |     | SRVER-RESP  #  7.032s |  1.313s |  8.872s |  4.013s       |

|      |     | PRTNR-RESP  #   .000s |   .000s |   .000s |   .000s       |

|      |     | OTHER-RESP  #   .002s |   .002s |   .003s |   .003s       |

|      |     | TOTAL-RESP  #  7.052s |  1.322s |  8.894s |  4.032s       |

|      |-----+-------------#---------+---------+---------+--------- . . .+

|      |  O  | COUNTERS:   #         |         |         |               |

|      |     | TRANS       #      4  |     12  |     44  |     10        |

.    .    .    .           .         .         .         .               .

.    .    .    .           .         .         .         .               .

.    .    .    .           .         .         .         .               .

#================================================================== . . .#

Table  271 Output Format Table




Chan ID

Channel ID.

List the ‘Enabled’ channels only.

Appl Name

Application short name

List the applications supported by the channel.

Data Type

Statistics data type included in the table line.

See Data Types.


hh:mm- (1)

hh:mm (2)

Total accumulating statistics from statistics collection start time (1) until now (2).





hh:mm- (1)

hh:mm (2)


Statistics collected in time interval n, from interval start (1) until interval end (2).

Currently up to 6 time intervals are available for display.

Note: You can modify the time interval by using the INTERVAL parameter in the STATON command.

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